Monday, September 13, 2010


Now is 3.46pm, but my work done already...Boring ar...actually i quit surprise it. Because last week 5th of Sept i joined the company, only pass the 1 week, today i looked at the calender realized today already 13th of Sept liao....Its means this month already pass through half liao...time really pass through pass, i dun know how i describe my feel...just feel "ar........13th liao fast". Time is not waiting the people, this very true! Human need waiting the time coming, but time never waiting the human.............Unfair!Unfair!Unfair!! Even know unfair, but we still can't do anything....haizzz........Dun think again!!Just look at the front, ever look at back!! Cheers!!

Friday, September 10, 2010



Friday, September 3, 2010


很久没有上部落格写东西了,虽然偶尔不定时的检查其他人的部落格,但是自己还是很懒写。。从老家回来到现在,一边做着part time一边继续找工。。。皇天不负有心人,结果还是找到自己喜欢的工了,虽然是签一年的合同,不过回头想想虽然说只是一年时间,但这一年真的学到东西会很多。。。假如喜欢这份工就继续下去,不喜欢的话就再找过的。。原本不愿意找这种contract base的工。。不过后来想想换个角度想,可能自己会接受。。也对假如工作表现好的话,公司是会肯定你的能力的,不是吗?所以。。最终还是说服了自己去接受。。。虽然是签合同的,不过福利什么还算起来不错。。。薪水也不错。。。加上公司将会迁移,蛮近我住的地方。。所以everything还是算ok的啦。。没什么好挑的了!!确定了下星期一开始上班啦~希望一切安好。。。我应征时候我的上司也蛮喜欢我的。。呵呵呵。。。。加油!!